Town Council Approve Changes To Londonderry Arts Council

During the most recent Town Council meeting, one of the agenda items was in regards to an update for the charge for the Londonderry Arts Council.
Administrative Support Coordinator, Kirsten Hildonen, explained that they have been going through 91A compliance rules for boards and commissions and composition for the Arts Council and its mission has changed since the last time their charge was changed in 2006.
She said she met with the Arts Council and asked them to “come up with a revised charge” to better reflect roles within their membership.
The purpose of the Arts Council is the following:
“The Londonderry Arts Council (“Committee”) shall exist to promote the appreciation and understanding of literature, arts, and music for all Londonderry citizens of all ages.”
Chairman, Larry Casey, said one change they suggested is to expand the voting membership role from seven individuals to “seven to nine” noting that they currently have eight.
He said they also were looking to have one to three alternate voting members.
Casey said they also added a treasurer position formally as a board officer.
“We formally added the treasurer position,” Casey said.
The representation portion of the charge reads:
“The Committee shall consist of seven (7) to nine (9) voting members, and one (1) to three (3) alternate voting members to be appointed by the Town Council. The Committee shall determine its own rules and order of business, unless otherwise provided by law or Town Charter. The Committee shall choose from its members a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Committee shall report to the Londonderry Town Council and exist until such time the Town Council deems it inactive.”
The reason for expanding the voting membership, Casey explained is to try to get in line with the 91A laws, and they have had troubles getting quorams for some meetings, so they want to have flexibility to meet the requirements and also be able to conduct its business.
The Town Council ultimately approved the changes.
Also during the meeting, the Town Council approved a withdrawal request from the Cable Equipment Capital Reserve fund.
The withdrawal, which is for a total of $3,693.96, is for the purchase of a new Economy Executive Stage System for the cable department.
The next Londonderry Town Council meeting is slated to take place on Feb. 5 at 7 p.m.