During the Monday, June 3, meeting of the Londonderry Town Council, members heard three requests for funding totaling almost $55,000.
The first of the expenditure requests was for a HVAC condenser at the Town Hall. Steve Cotton, Administrative Support Coordinator for the town explained that the exterior HVAC condenser developed a leak that requires the condenser to be replaced.
He added that the unit had been installed back in 2005, and the warranty has expired. The cost of the repair will be $3,899 for the parts and labor.
The council voted 4-0 in favor of the spending.
Next Cotton explained that he has reviewed the three entrances to Pleasantview Cemetery located on Mammoth Road near Litchfield Road and recommended re-paving the entrances.
After getting three bids, Cotton went with the middle bid of $14,548.
Councilor Tom Dolan asked Cotton if we had vandalism or is it just repairs?
Cotton responded, “I won’t say vandalism, we have people who take plants off the graves, this happens especially at Pillsbury Cemetery as well. Hanging plants seem to be the number one targets.”
Dolan expressed his distain for the vandalism and hoped that those doing it would be caught and prosecuted at the fullest extend of the law.
The $14,548 will be drawn from the Capital Reserve Fund for Cemetery Acquisitions, Maintenance and repairs fund.
The council once again voted 4-0 in favor of the spending.
Fire Chief Darren O’Brien presented the final funding request for an order to withdraw funding from the Fire Truck Capital Reserve fund, for three items. One was the purchase of a John Deere XUV865 Crossover Utility Vehicle at the cost of $24,375 to replace the 2002 one the department got on a grant. The fire department said they would give that one to the town to use or ALERT (A Londonderry Emergency Response team).
O’Brien also added a fire/rescue skid unit for the crossover utility vehicle allows ATV/UTV vehicles to essentially become mini fire truck, at the cost of $8,050.
Finally, an aluminum 7’x14’ utility trailer would also be purchased, in order to carry the John Deer crossover utility vehicle, the cost is of the trailer will be $3,9224.
That request was also unanimously approved.