Town Council Expends $8,080.81 For Maintenance, Repair Projects

The Town Council voted Monday night to expend $8,080.81 for winter maintenance at town buildings and repairs and purchases at the Senior Center.

The expenditures follow:

    • For shoveling, plowing and treatment of parking lots, walkways and fire lanes at Town Hall, Leach Library and the cable access station on Jan. 2, 3, 4 and 6, $597.50, $295, $590 and $945, for a total of $2,427.50.
    • For winter maintenance, labor and materials at the Senior Center on Jan. 2, 3, 6 and 7, $650.
    • The Senior Center also had costs of $4,738.34 for electrical work associated with the roof replacement.

The original plan was to re-use existing fixtures and ceiling fans, but once the wiring was exposed, a mixture of wire types was found. The request for the funds was for “debugging” the existing wire to determine what was being used for each circuit, what was no longer being used, and removing all the impacted wire in the area. Also included are labor and materials to install the correct wire type, junction boxes, proper ceiling fan boxes, replacement of new ceiling lights, installing of existing ceiling fans and confirmation as functional of all circuits.

The sum of $264.97 was expended for the Senior Center for an entrance mat and chair mats to extend the life of the newly installed carpet.