Town Council Make Plea for Additional Volunteers

By Chris Paul

During the end of the Monday night, Dec. 19, Town Council meeting, members had a number of reappointments to vote on and while doing so realized that more volunteers are necessary to fill out some of the town’s boards and committees.
Before voting on a number of reappointments, council chair, John Farrell noted they haven’t received any new resident volunteers for boards and is hoping some will come forward in the upcoming year.
The Conservation Commission was looking for two, Three-Year Full Member Positions; one, Three-Year Alternate member; and one, Two-Year Alternate member. The board voted to reappointment David Heafey and Bob Maxwell, leaving two alternate seats vacant.
For the Planning Board, there were two, Three-Year Full Member Positions and one, Three-Year Alternate member positions expiring. All were taken by existing members. Al Sypek and Lynn Wiles will retain the full-member seats and Roger Fillio retained his alternate seat.
For the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA), there is one, Three-Year Full Member Position open; one, One-year Full Member Position; one, Three-Year Alternate member position; and one, One-Year Alternate member needed.
Although the board voted to reappoint two members to full member seats, they had one resignation. Alternate member, David Armstrong, resigned from the ZBA, Jacqueline Bernard, the chair, was reappointed and alternate member, Irene Macarelli, will be assuming the role of a full member until the council has a chance to talk with her about moving up. The ZBA will still be short two positions and asked that the Town Manager advertise for the open seats.
The Heritage Commission has three, Three-Year Full Member positions and one, Two-Year Alternate position available. Art Rugg, Fristen Endkye, and John Mahone were all reappointed, leaving the alternate spot open.
There was also one, Three-Year Alternate member position available for the Recreation Commission and with no one applying; the council is looking for a volunteer.
To volunteer for any of the open seats, candidates must be a resident of Londonderry to apply for a position. Anyone interested should e-mail Kirby Brown for a copy of the Talent Bank Form. Candidates can also apply for more than one position.
For more information regarding the open positions, contact Kirby Brown at (603) 432-1100 x120 or