Volunteers Needed To Fill Board & Committee Seats

By Chris Paul

Over the past few weeks, there are a number of Londonderry board and committee openings that have become available to the residents in town.
The only requirement in applying for these positions is that applicants must be a resident of the town of Londonderry.
The application deadline for any of the positions listed below is Friday, July 9, at 4 p.m.

Budget Committee
The town’s Budget Committee needs to fill a single, three-year, full-time position with the term expiring in March of 2022.
The Londonderry Budget Committee consists of seven members who are usually elected to three-year staggered terms, but this position will be appointed by the Town Council. The Committee’s charter is to advise the Town Council, the School Board, and the Town of Londonderry on matters related to their budgets, providing a “third party” taxpayer’s perspective. The Committee’s work typically gets underway by holding preliminary briefing sessions with the Town Manager and the Superintendent of schools, as well as various town department heads. This process not only provides committee members with a basic outline of town, school & department-level finances, but also affords the managers an opportunity to brief the committee on their current budgets and future requirements. Such advance information is valuable for putting department budget requests in perspective during the often-lengthy budget review process. In addition, the committee also participates in several budget workshops with the town and school during the annual budget process.
The Budget Committee is chartered to review both the Town and the School Districts financial needs and offer its recommendations to those entities. The Committee’s goal is to ensure that the budgets of both the Superintendent of Schools and the Town Manager provide taxpayers with adequate town and school services and the necessary infrastructure to operate in a fiscally responsible manner, while preferably maintaining a stable tax bill.

Heritage Commission
The town’s Heritage Commission is looking to fill three seats. There are two alternate positions needed with a three-year term and one, one-year term alternate position seat.
The Heritage Commission is comprised of seven members and up to five alternate members. All members are appointed to staggered three-year terms.
The commission meets bi-monthly, on the fourth Thursday of each month.
The purpose of the Commission is to oversee the preservation of historical and cultural resources for the Town, to educate the public on matters of historical interest and to work with other Boards, committees and commissions to assure responsible development that reflects the Town’s Master Plan.
The Commission is also a Historic District Commission, with responsibilities as enumerated by state statute and the Historic District section of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance.

Solid Waste and Environmental Committee
The Solid Waste and Environmental Committee is looking for two full-time position seats. Each seat carries a three-year term.
The mission of the Solid Waste and Environment Committee is to educate, inform, and lead the community on recycling, solid waste disposal, and other environmental initiatives and issues to improve the quality of life in Londonderry.
The committee was formed to address citizen concerns with the impact of solid waste disposal on the quality of life in Londonderry.
The Committee assists the Environmental Services Division of the Public Works Department in promoting and managing Londonderry’s solid waste recycling and disposal programs. The many user-friendly programs implemented and/or supported by the Committee over the years have helped residents utilize methods to minimize their waste, reduce their tax burden, and protect and beautify their local environment.
The Committee also partners with Beautify Londonderry, an all-volunteer effort focused on reducing litter along town roads and undertaking general landscaping and beautification projects on town owned properties.
For more information regarding the open positions, please contact Kirby Brown at (603) 432-1100, extension 120, or kbrown@londonderrynh.org.
Note: Information obtained through the Town of Londonderry website.