Pillsbury Realty Development, LLC, the developers of the 600-plus acre Woodmont Commons Planned Unit Development (PUD), will be back at the Planning Board on May 22, instead of May 8. At the Wednesday, May 1 Planning Board meeting, Pillsbury submitted written requests to extend the 65-day application review clock from May 15 to June 12, and to continue the planning board meeting from May 8 to May 22.
The request to extend the 65-day review clock “is intended to allow time for further collaborative sessions between staff and the respective technical teams, while also providing additional time for the Planning Board to review briefing materials,” the letter from Woodmont attorney Ari Pollack said.
The board unanimously extended the review clock until June 12.
Pillsbury also sought a continuance of the planning board meeting from May 8 to May 22. The board unanimously authorized a special meeting for May 22, and also unanimously approved the continuance from May 8 to May 22. Now on the agenda for May 22 is the continuation of the application acceptance and public hearing for formal review of the Woodmont Commons PUD Master Plan. The May 8 meeting has been cancelled.