By Alex Malm
During the Wednesday, July 21, Londonderry Zoning Board of Adjustments meeting one of the more lengthy cases heard was in regards to the Mobil Gas Station at 7 Nashua Road.
The four variances that they were seeking were continued from the previous meeting, with one of the variances asking to allow them to build a new sign for the business.
Representing the owner at the meeting was Peter Marsh, from NH Signs, who explained that they wanted to be allowed to build a 48 square foot sign. Currently their sign is 38 square feet.
Marsh argued that they should be permitted to have that size of a sign because they were given previous variances to have up to 65 square feet.
Londonderry ZBA chairman Neil Dunn said that they needed to clarify what the size of the sign could be.
“We needed more clarity on the sign because they keep getting bigger and bigger,” he said.
Dunn also pointed to minutes from a 2006 meeting that stated that if the sign was bigger than 32 square feet it would have to come down.
Marsh said that since its 38 feet it must be a legal sign or otherwise there be an enforcement action against it.
Dunn disagreed.
“We don’t go around measuring every sign,” he said.
Marsh asked if they would be okay with 38 square feet.
“I think that’s something we would all consider,” Dunn said.
Another variance that they were seeking was for an additional sign.
For the variance for the additional sign, Marsh said it would be used only for the convenience store. He said that convenience stores are crucial for gas stations because they have a small profit margin on gas.
Currently they have two Mobile signs which Marsh said it’s needed for people to see it from either side.
One question that was asked was whether or not they would have the new sign lit up the same hours as the Mobile signs.
Marsh said that would be the case.
The variance for the electronic message board was approved, but was given a restriction that it could only be for the actual gas station, and can only be used for digits. It can’t be scrolling or flashing.
It was decided to grant the variance allowing for a 16 foot sign where 10 feet is allowed without any restrictions.
For the variance allowing an additional wall sign, the board agreed to allow it but stipulated that it can’t exceed 24 square feet and can only be illuminated the same hours the gas station signs are.
They also approved a variance which will allow them to have four feet six inches of set back where 15 feet is required for the property line on Nashua road and for it to be two feet for the property line on Ela road.