Zoning Board Holds Off on Renegades Variance Request

By Alex Malm

During the, Wednesday, Oct. 20, Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting two of the cases on the agenda involved Renegades Pub North, which is located at 103 Nashua Road. They were looking to correct some items on their site before proceeding to the Planning Board.

Representing the owners was Chris Drescher.

He explained that the 30×50 patio has been in existence since the business was built. Drescher said that they built an 8×12 foot extension to the patio and explained that the patio was already non conforming because it only had 12 percent of green landscaping where 33 percent is required. With the extension it meant that they only had about 11 percent.

Drescher also explained that they know that they should’ve gotten a variance before doing the extension.

“We are the first to admit that we are here to right a wrong. This is an after the fact variance,” he said.

Drescher explained that they built a wall for the patio as part of the expansion of it which they feel was an improvement to it.

He said that when the owners bought the business it was in tough shape and have continued to improve the property with the support of the landlord.

“We would contend that this is an improvement,” Drescher said.

He said that they would be willing to do what is needed to rectify the situation.

“Tell us what to do and we will move forward,” Drescher said.

He also said that they wouldn’t be adding any more additional seats.

“Nothing is being added that expands the footprint of the building,” Drescher said.

It was explained by Gregg Ryan, one of the owners of the restaurant that they wanted to make improvements to the patio because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said that they still have a lot of customers who go there and if the seating is full outside then they don’t eat there.

“It’s real, it affects us,” Ryan said.

It was explained by Londonderry Zoning Administrator Nick Codner that when the owners originally went to the Planning Board to get approval to put a roof on top of the existing patio; they were told that if they wanted to expand at all they would need to get a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment which they didn’t do until now.

Codner said that if they get a variance for the expansion they would then need to go to the Planning Board for a site plan review, and would need to bring their site plan up to compliance.

The main concern that Board members had was in regards to the safety of the wall.

One of the questions that was asked was whether or not they have had an inspection done on it.

Codner explained that since they didn’t get a variance approved for it they haven’t done an inspection on it.

The Board ultimately thought it was best to have the applicant supply them with an engineer report about the safety of the wall before they make a decision on the variances. The Board and Ryan both agreed to have the cases continued to their November meeting.

“We’re just trying to keep it safe,” Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman Neil Dunn said.