Copper Theft at Residence Leads to Heating Oil Spill

Theft of copper pipes from a residence at 44 Hardy Road resulted in a slight oil spill, after thieves took pipe connected to an oil tank, police and fire department officials said.
According to the Londonderry police log, a real estate agent called police Sept. 25 about 7:39 p.m., saying a client who had just purchased the property in question found the doors of the house open.

Londonderry Police Lieutenant Chris Gandia confirmed that there was forced entry to a screen door and proceeded to check the building. The officers could smell the oil while searching the house.
When police cleared the house, they called in the Londonderry Fire department because of what appeared to be a small oil spill near the boiler.
Londonderry Fire Battalion Chief Jim Roger said when fire crews arrived, they found a small amount of oil that needed to be addressed.
“Lieutenant Jeremy Mague met the police department on scene and there was a small amount of heating oil present,” Roger said. “Lt. Mague used an air monitoring device to ascertain if there was any danger and there was nothing present, so they proceeded in their turnout gear and took care of the spill.”
Roger said about two gallons of heating oil had been spilled, and SpeedyDry was used to soak it up.
“The amount of the spill didn’t require reporting to the (New Hampshire) Department of Environmental Services. Anything over 25 gallons must be reported,” Roger said.
Roger said it is the property owner’s responsibility to contact appropriate clean-up companies to remove the oil-soaked SpeedyDry for proper disposal.
Gandia said the value of the stolen copper was about $2,000, and the incident remains under investigation