Jay Hobson

Jay Hobson

Woodmont Access Road Court Battle on Hold

The court battle to resolve stalled action on the Garden Lane extension to Pillsbury Road, an access road to the proposed Woodmont Commons PUD (Planned Unit Development), has been stayed. A court date had been set for Sept. 18 in…

Budget Committee Looks at Ending TIF Districts

Thanks to Budget Committee member Gary Vermillion, the Committee will be considering a motion to end all TIF (Tax Increment Finance) districts in Londonderry. Vermillion said at the Thursday, Sept. 25 committee meeting that he has talked to a lot…

Summer Special Ed Costs Noted

Director of Pupil Services Kim Carpinone said 215 students took part last summer in the six-week ESY (Extended School Year) program, along with 119 staff. Carpinone told the School Board at its Tuesday, Sept. 23 meeting that ESY is a…