School Board OKs Contract Proposal for Support Staff

The School Board unanimously approved a contract proposal between the school district and the AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) Council 93, Local 1801 support staff.
School District Human Resources Director Suzie Swenson said the union includes clerical assistants, instructional assistants, library media assistants, computer education assistants, bookkeepers and school monitors, such as those who work in the cafeterias, parking lots and detention.

Superintendent of Schools Nathan Greenberg read a memo written by Swenson to the board, explaining that on Sept. 12, school attorney Matt Upton, School Board chairman Nancy Hendricks, board member Steve Young, Assistant Superintendent Andy Corey, Director of Pupil Services Kim Carpinone, Business Administrator Peter Curro, Greenberg and Swenson met with the Support Staff Negotiations Committee and reached a tentative agreement.
The result is a three-year agreement, with the only language change being the contract period, July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017. The salary portion of the agreement would continue based on the CPI (Consumer Price Index), with a minimum increase of 2.5 percent to a maximum of 4.5 percent. The benefits remain the same with no changes.
Swenson said the support staff voted in favor of the proposal Oct. 29.
She wrote, “if the warrant article were written today, it would show a cost of $110,309,” which reflects salary increases.
The contract will now go to the voters in March as a warrant article.