There are very few periods in history that people remember where they were at the exact moment an event happened. The events of September 11, 2001 is one of them.
Terrorists hijacked and flew two airliners into the two towers of the world Trade Center in New York City. Another was hijacked and flown into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.. A fourth was hijacked over Pennsylvania, and passengers reacted and struggled with the terrorists and that airliner crashed into a field.
The Londonderry Fire Department will be holding a Remembrance Ceremony at the David A. Hicks Central Fire Station located at 280 Mammoth Road.
“The ceremony will be held at the Fire Department’s memorial on the front lawn. The public is invited to attend the ceremony on September 11, 2014 beginning promptly at 8:30 a.m. and lasting approximately 45 minutes,” Lieutenant Donald Waldron said.
“We look forward to being able to have members of the community join us for this special ceremony,” Chief Darren O’Brien said.
“The ceremony will be a tribute to the memory of the men and women who perished during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Among those who died were 343 firefighters and 71 police officers. The Londonderry Fire Department has held a small ceremony every September 11 since the attacks in order to help preserve the memory of those responders that gave the ultimate sacrifice,” Waldron said.
Waldron said that this year the Department is extending an invitation to the community to join the members of Londonderry Fire Department in paying tribute to the victims of 9/11.
“This year’s ceremony is being expanded and will include brief speeches from Fire Chief Darren O’Brien and other local dignitaries, some musical presentations including an original song written and sung by a Londonderry resident, and a moment of silence at the time that each of the World Trade Center towers were attacked. After the ceremony, members of the public are invited to join us for some light refreshments,” Waldron said.