Tag contract

Council Contract with Smith Addresses Political Office

After choosing Kevin Smith of Litchfield, a former political candidate, for the town manager job, the Town Council has included a paragraph pertaining to running for office in its employment contract with him. Smith was hired by the Town Council…

Your Vote Counts

The four-vote margin in the special election held at the end of June in Derry is a timely reminder of the importance of each and every vote. While the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision last week that impacts…

Infrastructure Plans for Woodmont Go to Planning Board

The team from the Woodmont Commons Planned Unit Development (PUD) has presented its conceptual plans for water, sewer and ancillary utilities. Development team member Joe Ducharme told the Planning Board at its Wednesday, May 22 meeting that water would be…

Prepare to Vote

Election Day is March 12. In the days between now and then, we hope you’ll listen to candidates speak, read their words, and ask them about the issues that concern you. The March election has no state or national candidates,…