Tag matthew thornton

Helping With Wishes

Members of the Matthew Thornton Student Council presented Make-A-Wish Community Outreach Manager, Olivia Stanas, with a check for $1,000 last week. The donation money was raised during the annual Mystery Gift Raffle held during the holidays. Photos by Chris Paul

Matthew Thornton Host Annual Winter Wonderland

Matthew Thornton Elementary School families attended the annual Winter Wonderland and Secret Shop on Saturday morning, Dec. 7. where the school and PTA served up loads of pancakes, provided games and activities and items to be bought and wrapped. The…

Matthew Thornton PTA Host Annual Fall Festival

Students, families and friends attending the fourth annual Fall Festival at Matthew Thornton Elementary School had plenty of activities to take part in last Thursday evening. The event started with the annual “Candy Crush” race around the school and continued…

Make A Wish

During December, the Matthew Thornton School’s student council held a Mystery Gift Raffle and raised $1,271. The donations went to the New Hampshire Make A Wish Foundation, an organization whose mission is to “create life-changing wishes for children with critical…