LMS Math Teacher Ann Gaffney a Presidential Award Winner
One of Londonderry’s own was chosen to receive a Presidential Award for excellence in math. Ann Gaffney, long-time Londonderry Middle School math teacher, has made her school and town proud.
One of Londonderry’s own was chosen to receive a Presidential Award for excellence in math. Ann Gaffney, long-time Londonderry Middle School math teacher, has made her school and town proud.
The New Hampshire House of Representatives Rockingham County District 5 has seven seats open this year, and five of the current legislators have filed for re-election. Those five Republicans are Alfred Baldasaro, David Lundgren, Betsy McKinney, Sherman Packard, and Douglas…
Mike Leach of Stantec visited the Conservation Aug. 23 to discuss his work on potential trails and parking areas for four conservation areas. Stantec had been retained to develop potential trails and parking areas for the Musquash, Kendall Pond, Little…
The Londonderry Senior Center is always busy, whether in the midst of a craft show or just an ordinary weekday. And even with a building expansion in progress, Senior Affairs Director Cathy Blash said the temporary move to the Londonderry…
Penny The Londonderry Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) has voted 5-0 to deny a request for a rehearing of the Moreau Living Trust variance request. The board had voted 4-0 in June to approve the variance request to allow a subdivision…
John Vogl, Geographic Information System Manager and Comprehensive Planner for Londonderry, has provided the Planning Board with his estimates of new school enrollments from approved or anticipated developments for the 2016, 2017, and 2018 school years. The known approved or…
Popping up all over Londonderry are brightly colored signs trumpeting support for Londonderry Police Officers. The signs feature a blue heart and say: “We (heart) our Police Officers.” The campaign started with the Londonderry NH Moms Facebook group but is…
The Woodmont Commons site plan sent to the Conservation Commission for Design Review comments was 50-plus pages, and no representative from Pillsbury Realty Development attended the meeting where it was presented. At the Commission’s Tuesday, July 26 meeting, the Commission…
The Conservation Commission has decided that despite the Town’s preference for flat budgeting, the board wanted to develop a budget supporting its request for an increase. The primary need for an increase stems from the town’s request for more Commission…
The discovery of a large and mysterious pool of blood at the Crossroads Plaza in early July initiated an intensive criminal investigation that ultimately determined the victim was a deer that had been struck by a car. The Londonderry Police…